Advanced PTC Filaments
Electrical conductors change their resistance with temperature. For applications as heating material the setting of a precise heating temperature is required. The setting of the desired temperature should not, however, have a control circuit with shutdown and re-switching of the current flow. The heating material itself should be intrinsically temperature regulated. This is now possible with our new Advanced PTC filament.
If current flows through our filament, the material heats up and the resistance increases significantly. After reaching the equilibrium state a decrease the current and thus performance is significantly. With Advanced PTC filaments we guarantee a optimal energy consumption. The filaments are used in different textile fabrics and showing very successfully their self regulation function and have excellent properties for many applications:
Eigenschaften von PTC-Filament
- With our PTC filament you get a very short heating up time up to temperature equilibrium.
- With the use of our heating filaments is no addionally temperature control required.
- In the heating textile fabric you get a very uniform heat distribution excluding hotspots.
- In the application you get a low power consumption in the desired temperature range.
- The setting of heating capacity is possible in a wide range up to 2 kW/m².
- The PTC filaments are process able in different processing routes for textile fabrics.